So the wrestling moves should be executed perfectly, even verbatims are not beyond scrutiny. Remember Mike Adamle – the ‘Jeff Harvey man’??

This list takes a look at the wrestling moves that were most botched in the industry, many of which have been banned by the WWE

5. The Shooting Star Press

It is so difficult to execute this move that even an angle was built around the concept. Billy Kidman and Paul London started a rivalry over Kidman’s fear of hurting other wrestlers using the maneuver which eventually resulted in a BK heel turn on SmackDown in the mid 2000s.

But the most famous botch involving the Shooting Star press happened at the main event of WrestleMania 19 where Brock Lesnar was supposed to hit the same on the then WWE Champion Kurt Angle. Lesnar couldn’t move his 290 pound frame across the ring so as to connect cleanly with Angle and the finish was botched, not to mention Lesnar getting a concussion.

The two thought on their feet to finish up the match, but the damage had been done.

4. The Piledriver

The Piledriver is one of the dangerous moves in wrestling and its deadly reputation has only been increased by the fact that one of the greatest superstars ever almost never made it in the business after being at the receiving end of one.

Owen Hart misplaced Austin’s head en route to a Piledriver during their Intercontinental title match at SummerSlam 97 which gave Stone Cold a bruised spinal cord. The resultant neck and knee issues caused Austin’s career to end six years later.

3. The Powerbomb

The powerbomb is another simple move that can easily be botched. The move requires the opponent to adjust his position accordingly or suffer serious consequences.

Be it Brock Lesnar handing Bob Holly a broken neck or Kevin Nash nearly putting the Bigshow out of wrestling forever with a disastrous Jackknife, the powerbomb has claimed multiple victims over the years – but it is stil considered a high impact move and is the essential manoevre for the big guys in the land of giants.

2. The Canadian Destroyer

If the Piledriver is in the list, the Canadian Destroyer has to be higher up.

Invented by Indie darling Petey Williams, the move sees Williams performing an ordinary Piledriver while executing a simultaneous front flip. Oh, don’t forget that the opponent has to execute a simultaneous backflip too.

The probability of any three spots failing is high and the effect of the botch can be disastrous.

1. The Con-Chairto and the rest

Edge and Christian’s infamous (and illegal) finishing move is just the tip of the iceberg as the last one basically covers every steel chair shot to the head.

E&C had their opponent’s head sandwiched between two steel chair shots and it carried over to singles wrestling as well when Christian bashed Edge’s head with a one man con-chairto to herald their split. Edge used the same move as his personal devastation tool during his Rated R Superstar days as well.

But the fact remains that chair shots to the skull are the most dangerous and has minimal protection. It can easily lead to concussions. Hence, chair shots to the skull are banned by the WWE.

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