COVID -19 Survival Kit

According to Dr. David Markenson, the Medical Director at The Center for Disaster Medicine at New York Medical College, “The vast, vast majority of people who get coronavirus will have a mild illness and can be treated at home.”Since self-quarantining is the only plausible solution to curtail the transmission of COVID virus, it is necessary to have a survival kit to fight the virus. Everyone should prepare their own coronavirus emergency kit with certain medications, cleaning supplies and other items.Let’s have a look at the basic COVID survival kit must-haves.

First Aid Kit- Your First Aid Kit should comprise all necessary medical supplies. Ensure you have Vitamin C capsules along with Vitamin D3 sachets as these help build the immunity. Keep a stack of pain killers and cough syrup to fight fatigue and body ache. We also recommend you to double down on sanitary supplies like rubbing alcohol and disinfectants. The fact is,better your First Aid kit the better your survival kit!

Personal Protective Equipment– Personal protective equipment (PPE), including store-bought N-95 masks or even homemade cloth masks with triple-layering, are important.Hand sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol is also a must have in your COVID survival kit.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Supplies– Invest in good quality cleaning and disinfecting supplies to disinfect all critical areas in your house, including door bell, door knobs, trash can, etc. Also, whenever you bring in groceries from outside, remember to thoroughly wash them before using the same.

Medical Devices – Keep a thermometer to monitor your temperature and also invest in FDA approved pulse-oximeter to measures your blood oxygen levels. If in case your fever doesn’t go and you feel breathless, show yourself to a doctor immediately. Be on a lookout for symptoms and immediately seek medical attention if symptoms don’t subside after 7-8 days of self-quarantining.

Touchless COVID Safety Device– Invest in a good quality touchless safety device like ZAAP hand door opener & stylus. With patented design created using antimicrobial copper alloy, the COVID touchless safety device can be used to open doors, press ATM/Lift buttons, boxes, toilet flush/faucets, pull levers, carry bags, etc.

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The key will help will protect you fromthe deadly virus by keeping your hand away from any potential contaminated surfaces.

Along with taking all precautionary measures to fight the spread of COVID, it is also essential to stock groceries and other essentials, including toilet rolls, disinfectant soap & wipes to make sure you are not running to the closest supermarket every now and then. Try and avoid crowded places as much as possible and take good care of your hygiene to protect yourself from the virus.

Stay tuned for more updates and related information on Coronavirus. We will keep you informed on the latest advancements made in the field of science and technology to fight the global pandemic.