If you follow the buzzards, and more literally follow the former WWE Champion on Twitter, you may have noticed a recent tweet in which Wyatt saying he’s going away, but will be back with a cryptic photo of a list of the ten best factions of all time. Notably, The Wyatt Family were absent, and Nexus were on the list, but minus Wyatt’s Husky Harris character. The Shield, Wyatt’s old foes, top the list.

Speculation was rife when Matt Hardy chucked his foe-turned-friend into the Lake of Reincarnation that Wyatt may re-emerge as a different beast. To some extent, he did. While Wyatt looked the same, he became a Woken Warrior and sided with his once great rival.

This time, though, things look a little different. Before Wyatt’s rivalry and subsequent tag team with Matt Hardy, The Eater of Worlds’ character was arguably becoming a little stale. Through no fault of his own, of course, but rather that of a dominant character being booked to lose almost every feud he was in. Actually, when Wyatt won the WWE Championship, it was a sight to behold that almost no-one could have predicted. Sadly, losing it very shortly after saw normal service resume in the singles career of Wyatt.

It seems that Wyatt may finally be due for a change, though, and most likely that of a new faction - but how will he return, and who might he be aligned with?

Well, I have a few ideas, and here they are…

#5 The original Wyatt Family reforms

Well, let’s start with the obvious. If Wyatt returns to WWE television as part of a faction, The Wyatt Family are a stick-on. With the former WWE Champions’ tweet, you’d have to imagine that he was either upset with not being on the list, or rather upset at who topped the list.

The Wyatt Family are one of The Shield’s oldest foes - and undoubtedly the most familiar to the WWE Universe, but could they return under the old dynamic?

With Braun Strowman now the top dog when it comes to Wyatt Family alumni, Wyatt may have to take a backseat to Strowman, and that doesn’t seem particularly likely. There would almost definitely be a new dynamic if The Wyatt Family were to reform nowadays and, with the other two former members doing relatively well before one was shelved due to injury.

Harper and Rowan splitting off to become the Bludgeon Brothers - potentially WWE’s most dominant tag teams in history - was a move not many saw coming, but it has worked. It’s quite hard to think that the pair would be on their way back to the Wyatt Family, but Bray’s mysterious powers could very well entice them.

If the Wyatts were to reform to face The Shield, it would probably be a very different Family to that of the previous rivalries, but with Rowan sidelined, Strowman very well could call on Bray Wyatt, not the other way around, and Harper if he needs fresh partners for his current fight against the Hounds of Justice. Otherwise, Wyatt may pick up the pieces when Braun is finished with Roman.

#4 With The Ascension

Okay, so this might be a controversial one - but The Ascension could be great again under the helm of Bray Wyatt!

NXT’s longest reigning Tag Team Champions and one of the most dominant forces in NXT history simply can’t buy a win right now - and it’s been like that for quite a long time.

Whenever the Ascension are in the ring, you can almost guarantee their opposition is going to win, and most likely in super-quick time. In NXT, though, it was all very, very different.

The Ascension destroyed everything in their path, including legendary WWE tag team Too Cool and the Lucha Dragons, before eventually losing the titles to the Lucha Dragons one day short of a one-year reign, and then had another rare loss to an impressive pair of Finn Balor and Hideo Itami.

Well, on the main roster, the losses have not been quite so rare. The pair has found themselves getting scraps of TV time alongside Breeze and Fandango in the Fashion Files segments, while not picking up any scraps of victory before moving to Raw. On the red brand, they had an impressive match against Wyatt himself, as part of the Deleters of Worlds - again in a losing effort.

The Ascension are probably the most under-utilised Superstars on WWE television right now, and their luck could change if paired with Bray Wyatt.

The Wyatt Wasteland has a ring to it…

#3 As the new leader of SAnitY

Okay, so SAnitY’s main roster run has been underwhelming, to say the least - but they have it all there. The loss of Nikki Cross has arguably blighted the faction, but the addition of Bray Wyatt would make them soar to new heights.

Eric Young, Alexander Wolfe and Killian Dain were one of NXT’s most formidable forces and if Nikki Cross were to rejoin the trio… Wow, you have even more unpredictability on your hands.

SAnitY are currently on the blue brand, though, so adding Bray Wyatt to their ranks would require a brand swap, either from themselves or from Wyatt. A trip back to the blue brand, though, may be ideal for Wyatt who enjoyed some incredible success there.

#2 With a new faction involving NXT Superstars

So, the possibilities are endless here - but the one faction Wyatt was in that made the list? Nexus. Now, I don’t suggest Husky Harris return, not for one second, but I do think Wyatt could draw on his successful factions in NXT to bring some new blood into the fray.

Whether it be in Nexus or as The Wyatt Family, Wyatt has always done well leading his own faction - and NXT is full of stars he could pluck from the brand and bring to the main roster.

The most obvious thought is Aleister Black, although I’d much rather those two stood side-by-side if paired, but you also have the likes of the War Raiders, Heavy Machinery Lars Sullivan and Nikki Cross who could alter their gimmick slightly and join Wyatt to form a new family.

#1 Realigning with two old foes

But why go for the new when you can return to old faithful? No, not The Wyatt Family, but rather two former foes of Bray Wyatt. Wyatt already had a successful tag team run with Randy Orton, with their pair winning the Tag Team Championships - and Finn Balor is one of the few rivals Wyatt hasn’t teamed up with - but together, they could be a dominant faction in WWE.

Again, this one would involve a brand shift by at least one Superstar - but all three men could do with something new, so why not? Randy Orton has found himself again in his rivalry with Jeff Hardy, going back to the dark side to try and conquer the enigma. Meanwhile, Finn Balor has still been searching.

He reached down and brought out the Demon to destroy Constable Corbin at SummerSlam, but failed in his attempts to conquer Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship - then faced a much worse fate against Strowman on Raw before The Shield saved the day.

But what if Balor didn’t want to be saved? What if he didn’t need The Shield? The first ever Universal Champion could bring Wyatt and Orton out of the shadows and straight into a feud with The Shield - and throw a spanner into the works to make Raw even more explosive in the coming weeks than it was on the most recent episode!

Who would you like to see form a faction with Bray Wyatt? Let us know in the comments.

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