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However, it’s become clear over the last six months that WWE no longer sees the tag division storylines as anything close to a priority on Raw and SmackDown Live, despite both rosters being more stacked than ever with duos who are waiting for a meaningful rivalry.

We’ve already seen some unlikely alliances form in 2018 so far, from Bray Wyatt & Matt Hardy to Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre, and it wouldn’t be at all surprising if WWE creates more and more makeshift tag teams as the year progresses.

With that in mind, and with several Superstars lacking any real storyline direction on Monday and Tuesday nights right now, let’s play fantasy booker and take a look at five possible duos that WWE should seriously consider putting together.

#5 Jason Jordan and Kurt Angle

Remember when Jason Jordan was first revealed to be Kurt Angle’s ‘son’? The assumption at the time among many fans was that, further down the line, JJ would admit that he made the whole thing up in order to receive better opportunities on Monday Night Raw.

Well, due to Jordan’s six-month absence from television in 2018 because of injury, there hasn’t been much development in this storyline, but that doesn’t mean WWE won’t pick it up again when the former American Alpha member makes his long-awaited return soon.

Assuming Jordan really did lie to Angle about being his biological son, maybe the storyline could be revived by the two men entering the tag division to win the Raw Tag Team Championships upon JJ’s return.

Then, when the father-son duo eventually loses the titles, Jordan could finally reveal the truth and become the obnoxious heel that many people want to see him as.

#4 James Storm and Bobby Roode

Former Impact Wrestling star James Storm recently said in an interview with Inside The Ropes (video below) that he would be open to joining WWE if the company is interested in him.

The 41-year-old formed one-half of the popular Beer Money, Inc. tag team in Impact with current Raw roster member Bobby Roode, and fans of the former duo often call for them to reunite on social media.

While Storm admits that he and Roode prefer “beating each other up more than teaming together”, he also believes that a Beer Money reunion could make WWE a lot of money in merchandise.

Admittedly, we’re straying from the topic a little here as we’re looking for NEW tag teams in this article, but the combination of Storm and Roode would still be new to the WWE audience!

#3 Braun Strowman and Kevin Owens

Now, this suggestion is based on the assumption that Braun Strowman won’t cash in his Money In The Bank contract any time soon, but wouldn’t it be great to see him become tag team partners with Kevin Owens?

The two men have been battling back and forth ever since they were both revealed to be in the men’s MITB match in June. Since then, KO has been thrown off a ladder and from the top of a steel cage by Braun, while he was even locked inside a portable toilet and launched off the Monday Night Raw stage.

Maybe, just maybe, Owens will be able to make amends with “The Monster Among Men” when he returns from his latest injury suffered at the hands of his rival.

After all, KO has been a bad guy for almost four years now, so it’d be a refreshing change to see him form a short-term babyface alliance with the man he has been trying to escape from for the last couple of months.

#2 Baron Corbin and Jinder Mahal

Baron Corbin is performing much better than expected in his role as the “Constable” of Monday Night Raw. The only problem? Unlike the best heel authority figures from down the years, he doesn’t have anybody to help fight his battles for him.

For example, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon had Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Kane, The Big Show and J&J Security to do their dirty work whenever The Authority encountered any problems, while Vince McMahon called upon anyone and everyone from the roster to help him out in the late 90s/early 00s.

Corbin’s case is obviously a little different, as he’s still a full-time performer, but it’d make sense for him to have somebody who he can regularly team up with when he’s feuding with the likes of Finn Balor and Bobby Roode on Raw.

Feel free to let us know in the comments if you can think of a better potential partner for Corbin, but the leading contender from the current Raw roster would have to be Jinder Mahal.

“The Modern Day Maharajah” has lost his way since moving to Monday nights in the Superstar Shake-Up, so perhaps he could agree to align with Corbin if there’s an incentive of a future title opportunity.

#1 Samoa Joe and Lars Sullivan

If you’ve never seen Lars Sullivan before, he is essentially NXT’s version of Strowman.

Weighing in at 303lbs and possessing a freakish amount of strength, “The Leviathan” laid waste to almost every tag partner he had in NXT last year before embarking on a singles run that recently led to him challenging Aleister Black for the NXT Championship at TakeOver: Chicago in June.

Lars will inevitably make his way to the main roster at some point in the next 12 months, but the man from the Rocky Mountains still has his fair share of detractors among the NXT Universe.

Perhaps it would be wise for WWE to bring him aboard the main roster with an equally menacing tag partner – say, Samoa Joe – before he breaks out as the top-level heel that he is destined to become one day.

Do you think WWE should consider forming these tag-teams? Sound off your opinions in the comments section below!

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