Sadly, many of the wrestlers who are missing out at the moment tend to be former NXT Superstars who have been called up only to not be given a fair run at things on the main roster.

Triple H has constantly told everyone that NXT is not classed as a third brand, and is in fact seen as level with Raw or SmackDown. This has led fans to want wrestlers to move from the main roster to NXT, just as NXT stars move to the main roster.

We have recently seen one of the first breakout stars from NXT, Tyler Breeze return to the black and yellow brand and it has instantly hit the refresh button on his career. Instead of sitting in catering on Raw, Breeze has become relevant again, entering an excellent feud with The Velveteen Dream that culminated in a tremendous NXT Takeover 25 match.

Triple H has since confirmed that Prince Pretty is in fact back for good on NXT, with no intentions of moving him back to Raw or SmackDown. So with that in mind, which other NXT alumni should make the jump back to Full Sail?

#5 EC3

EC3 was a part of the group of NXT Superstars that WWE decided to randomly promote to the main roster prior to WrestleMania 35. However, it proved to be a clear example of the company doing things without any direction or plan.

It took weeks to actually get EC3 a match on Raw and even then his time in the ring was brief and lacked any rhyme or reason. WWE simply restricted him to backstage segments posing in front of a mirror, sucking all of the passion from him.

It is clear from his mannerisms that he no longer has the same energy about being in the company, and it is a real shame to visibly see that on a week by week basis. But there is a way to fix things, which would be sending him back to NXT.

Triple H certainly didn’t get the most out of EC3 during his brief run in NXT, and a second run might allow him to do that, potentially opening Vince McMahon’s eyes to the potential EC3 has as a main event star. Something that he showed during his time in TNA.

#4 Luke Harper

Some fans might actually have forgotten at this point that the Wyatt Family began in NXT because of how successful the group ended up becoming on the main roster, but the trio did originally start in Full Sail University.

Sadly, even though Rowan and Bray Wyatt are enjoying strong runs right now, Luke Harper cannot say the same. Having not been used since the end of the Bludgeon Brothers run. Things got so bad for the former Tag Team Champion that he actually requested his release from the company, which was denied, with time actually being added to his contract due to injury.

Whilst the relationship between the two parties might have soured because of that, simply paying someone a wage to do absolutely nothing is bad business, especially when his experience can be given to others.

NXT has plenty of big men such as Keith Lee who could really benefit from having matches with Luke Harper, and that seems like the best way to get value for money with him. Allowing Harper to do what he wants to do, whilst passing on a little knowledge to the future stars of the company.

WWE doesn’t have to book him as NXT Champion, but it sure beats paying him to sit on his couch every day at home.

#3 Buddy Murphy

WWE’s ‘Best Kept Secret,’ has yet to make a single appearance on SmackDown Live since joining the main roster from 205 Live after WrestleMania 35. Sadly, this a clear sign that Vince McMahon doesn’t have any interest in the former Cruiserweight Champion.

Even though Murphy had a brilliant run on the cruiserweight brand, it seems like the company simply has nothing for him creatively on the main roster, which is proving to be a real waste of his potential.

WWE did tease fans with the prospect of Murphy returning to NXT when he made a one-off surprise appearance to take on The Velveteen Dream for the North American Championship and he once again proved he is one of the best wrestlers in the company.

NXT fans have only ever seen Murphy in a tag team role, from when he was the NXT Tag Team Champion with Wesley Blake, so bringing him back now would still fresh whilst having that nostalgic throwback to his previous run with the brand.

As a great talker and a fantastic striker who can mix things up with aerial moves, his in-ring style blends superbly into the NXT style. Giving him a run on the show would be a greater use than simply letting him go stale on the sidelines on SmackDown.

#2 Bo Dallas

When you look at the history of wrestlers who have held the NXT Championship, every single one of them has managed to achieve something on the main roster apart from Bo Dallas, who was one of the original holders of NXT’s top prize.

Whilst the former champions have had varied success, from the top levels of Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens down to those who have only had mid-card title runs like Bobby Roode and Samoa Joe, all of them have done more than Bo.

That has been a big shame because NXT hadn’t taken off in the way it has now during Bo’s reign. This meant a lot of fans never got to see him at his best, with his tremendous Bolieve character that got over so well as an annoying heel.

On the main roster, Bo has mainly been used as a joke, in comedic roles which is where he is stuck now as one half of The B Team. But he can offer so much more. A return to NXT could allow Bo Dallas to rethink things, creating a brand new character that could stand alone once again, proving just how talented he really is.

#1 Eric Young

When WWE first brought Eric Young into the company there was a lot of excitement about the potential that the experienced wrestler could bring. His time in NXT was a huge success as the leader of SAnitY, but sadly on the main roster, things for the group fell through the cracks.

Even though the majority of Young’s WWE career has been spent within a faction, that doesn’t mean he can’t thrive as a singles star. During his time in TNA, Eric Young showcased just how good he was as a singles wrestler which culminated in a World Title run.

Considering his vast experience in the ring and the fact he is versatile enough to play a convincing heel or babyface, WWE can certainly get a lot more out of him. Since WWE decided to split SAnitY, Young has disappeared from WWE television, not even being used in 24/7 Championship segments.

Much like Luke Harper, Young is someone that WWE could really utilize for his knowledge. Helping younger talent grow whilst continuing to show why he is one of the best in the game would only benefit NXT as a product, and hopefully, Triple H can make the right call for his future.

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