The fingerprints of NXT are clearly visible on all aspects of WWE programming today. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman; are just some of the stars to come out of NXT. In total, the brand has managed to produce 6 world champions.

And today the NXT roster might be deeper than it has ever been. It is even arguable that there is more talent in NXT than there is on the main roster.

So let us take a look at 5 NXT stars who can become the WWE Champion in the future.

#5 Velveteen Dream

In an era where everything in wrestling looks scripted and fake, The Velveteen Dream definitely feels like something original. Whether it be his flashy attire or unique mannerisms, The Dream definitely knows how to stand out from the pack.

It is impossible to watch him and not be reminded of ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage. Just like Savage, Dream even uses a top-rope elbow drop named The Purple Rainmaker as his finisher.

On top of that, he is just 23 years old and has all the time in the world to develop his character further before moving up to the main roster. But judging by his impressive performances in recent months, that call-up might not be that far away.

#4 Tommaso Ciampa

Tommaso Ciampa might very well be the best heel in all of wrestling today. The amount of heat that he gets from the NXT crowd is reminiscent of the days gone by in wrestling. The reactions of the crowd to him is so strong that he no longer has any entrance music, just a booing crowd.

Ciampa’s NXT career took off when he turned on his former tag team partner, Johnny Gargano, and since then the two have been embroiled in a rivalry that has easily been the best feud of the year. Gargano’s lovable babyface and Ciampa’s dastardly heel act as the perfect foils to each other.

The only thing that can prevent Ciampa from being a success on the main roster is his lack of size. Otherwise, he has all the tools to be a top heel in the company for years to come.

#3 Johnny Gargano

There are just some wrestlers who are just impossible to hate. Johnny Gargano certainly seems to be one of them. Right now, he is one of the best babyfaces in wrestling and most of it is down to the incredible connection that he has been able to forge with the NXT fans.

His likability often gets him compared to Daniel Bryan. It is safe to say that if Gargano even achieves half of what Bryan did, then WWE have a gem on their hands.

And now with Ciampa as NXT Champion, it feels like someway down the line Gargano will also get to hold that title. But that might not be very soon as Gargano is coming off of consecutive losses to Ciampa and it will be some time before he gets another shot at the title.

That means there is still a long time before the WWE Universe get to see Gargano on the main roster. But WWE have to make sure that they do not hold off his debut for too long. As we all know, in wrestling time is of the essence.

#2 Aleister Black

Aleister Black’s reign as NXT Champion was certainly much shorter than most people would have expected but that does not mean that he was a failure as champion. Instead, it can be seen as a tactic from the NXT think-tank to add Black to the red-hot Ciampa vs Gargano feud. It is for this reason that Gargano was so heavily involved when Black ended up losing the title to Ciampa.

He is surely going to go after Gargano upon returning from his groin injury and we can be sure that the two men will put on some extraordinary matches. Gargano might even turn out to be the man who injured Black in the first place, in order to take his spot against Ciampa at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn.

Black’s style in the ring certainly stands out from the rest because of how legitimately painful it looks. Coming from the Netherlands, a country known for its kick boxers, Black’s kicks just look vicious. His gimmick is also really cool as he acts as the silent assassin who just likes to let his actions talk for him.

Black might be very soon called up to the main roster because he just has the look that WWE likes. But unfortunately, his gimmick might not work on the main roster. Baron Corbin used to have a similar gimmick while in NXT but we all saw how it fell flat when he made it to WWE television. Let’s just hope it is different with Black.

#1 Adam Cole

Adam Cole is the complete package. There are very few men in wrestling today who possess a blend of charisma, mic skills and in-ring talents that Adam Cole does. He is just great at all facets of wrestling.

And in The Undisputed Era, Cole has found the final piece of the puzzle to make sure that he is a success when he makes the jump to the main roster from the WWE. The group can truly be a dominant force in the WWE and a match between them and The Shield would be stuff dreams of wrestling fans are made of.

Although just 29 years old, Cole already has a decade’s worth of experience in the ring and it will surely help him in the WWE. Also, he is very popular among the fans and regularly receives one of the biggest ovations of the night despite being a heel.

With everything going for him, Cole should have no problem succeeding on the main roster. If he does not end up winning the WWE Championship in the future, it will be a huge shame.

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