Every position on the offensive line has a new face going into the season. Understandably, they could take a while to settle in, but until they do, here are five obstacles Patrick Mahomes will have to overcome this year.

#1 - Patience

The new offensive line will not instantly be as smooth as the one that preceded it. Mahomes needs to remain focused, even when needing to wait longer for guys to understand every part of the job.

Usually, it is not the big things that test patience. The new players are not expected to know the big core ideas and Mahomes has to be prepared to explain those. It is the little, unexpected, small hiccups that can be the most frustrating over time. Mahomes needs to keep a cool head in a mentally intense position in order to be at his best.

#2 - Communication at the line

Communication at the line of scrimmage is one of the most critical yet undervalued parts of a great offense. If one player is confused, it could lead to turnovers. In addition, different people respond differently to different types of communication. Mahomes will have to master how to talk to each player on the line to make corrections without creating feelings that fester or unfocus the player.

#3 - Chemistry

The chemistry between Mahomes and his line is massively important. The better the chemistry, the more efficient the offensive line can be. If the line can communicate easily with Mahomes and vice versa, the line can act as one unit. Also, the new linemen need to have chemistry with each other. If they can’t communicate easily and at a whim, the line will crack under pressure.

#4 - Inconsistent snaps

Creed Humphrey is a rookie center. While many are lauding him as a high-value pickup for the Chiefs, Mahomes needs to know that he needs to be ready for his growing pains. There could be plays where the snaps are not perfect. There could also be whiffed blocks as Humphrey adjusts to the speed of the game.

Mahomes needs to be willing to roll with the punches for next season as Humphrey morphs into a quality starter. It will take some time.

#5 - First time in career as “teacher”

For better or worse, this is the first big moment in Patrick Mahomes’ career where he is the “teacher.” Up until now, most players were either older than Mahomes or about the same age. Andy Reid was essentially doing the teaching for Mahomes.

This season will be the first where a large group of players will be looking to him for guidance as the primary teacher. As much as it will be a season of learning for the line, it will be a test of Mahomes’ ability to act as a teacher.

On the field, it will be up to Mahomes to set the line straight and make sure everyone knows their assignments. Essentially, he will have to act as a coach as well as a quarterback while tens of thousands of fans are screaming in an effort to hurt the communication.

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