One of the best comedy shows of the year, Ted Lasso follows the hilarious attempts of an inexperienced American football coach to manage a struggling English Soccer Club. Sudeikis co-created the show and plays the titular character, Ted Lasso. The show has been positively received by the audience.

Moreover, Ted Lasso also offers simple yet life-changing advice. Funny, thrilling, and inspirational, Ted Lasso is everything a good sports drama should be.

On that note, let’s take a look at coach Ted Lasso’s 5 best motivational quotes.

1) Day-old rice comparison

Although Ted Lasso lacks experience in soccer, he is still a brilliant coach. Probably his best sporting advice to his new soccer team, Lasso reminds them to take good care of their bodies.

2) Ted accepts Rebecca’s apology

When Rebecca Welton (Hannah Waddingham) gets discovered trying to sabotage the team, she apologizes to Ted. He accepts her apology and replies with a touching line.

3) No one is alone

In the season 1 finale, things don’t go as expected, and the team loses. Fighting his own personal battles, Ted tries to help lift the team’s spirits with the following advice.

4) Be like a Goldfish

Ted tells Sam to remind his peers who is the happiest animal on Earth. Earlier in the season, Ted told Sam about goldfish having the shortest memories, which is why they are happy.

5) Be a team player

Ted urges Jamie, the arrogant but the best player of AFC Richmond, to be a team player with the following quote.

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