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While most trophies are the same as the original game, a few more were added into the game. New additions include completing a mission without reloading and not dying in any mission. With these included, Modern Warfare 2 Remastered is sure to give players a challenging time.

10 HARD: The Price Of War

To earn this trophy, players must complete the campaign on Veteran or Hardened. While it might sound hard, it is doable. Players will need to be on the lookout for grenades, enemies ambushing, and explosive items.

Raising the difficulty means there will be less checkpoints throughout the missions, meaning players will need to go longer with fighting enemies. Luckily enough, players can at least play the game on Hardened, making it a bit easier.

9 EASY: Knock-Knock

Players can earn this trophy by killing five enemies when they breach into a room. This can easily be done on the mission ‘The Only Easy Day… Was Yesterday’ during the first door breech. The game goes into slow-motion, making it easy to aim for enemies.

Throughout the game, there are numerous other times to kill five enemies while breaching. It will be surprising if players finish their first playthrough without earning this trophy.

8 HARD: Angel Savior

Players can earn this trophy during the mission ‘Contingency’. What makes this trophy hard is the fact it was not in the original game and requires players to save their first UAV. Players can save it by sliding down the hill before activating it.

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It also gives players an advantage, meaning they can use the UAV to kill enemies in the next section. If the player activates the UAV at the top of the hill, it will be blown up by the enemy.

7 EASY: Some Like It Hot

This trophy is super simple, requiring players to kill six enemies in a row with a thermal weapon. When the player gets a thermal weapon, there is usually more than six enemies around. It is easiest to do this in ‘Wolverines!’ as there is a sniper rifle with a thermal scope.

Sniping six enemies in a row will earn this trophy. Especially with the amount of enemies found on this mission, it should be no problem at all.

6 HARD: The Student Surpasses The Master

To get this trophy, players must beat BX’s score of 19.7 seconds. It does sound hard, but a little practice will help earn it. Players must learn to run the course fast and shoot two targets with one bullet.

Missing a shot basically means the player will not pass the score. It is advised to use pistols on the course and switch weapons right before running out of ammo.

5 EASY: Precognitive Paranoia

Players can get this trophy by killing General Shepherd during the first mission of the game. The name of the trophy comes from the fact that Shepherd becomes the game’s villain by the end. Players must also get this trophy before they run the Pit, as Shepherd will not be there afterwards.

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Players who finish the campaign will feel good about earning this trophy. Just to think, earning this trophy means there is a world where Roach and Ghost are not killed during a mission.

4 HARD: Leave No Stone Unturned

Earning this trophy means players will need to find all 45 things of intel. Some pieces of intel are in obvious places, but others require the player to search the map. Players can look up a guide, but usually a guide means the trophy is hard.

The intel gives certain cheats that change the game. These include enabling a ragtime mode, giving enemies pineapple heads, and causing enemies to explode into tires when killed.

3 EASY: Unnecessary Roughness

Players can earn this trophy by beating one enemy with a riot shield. The first place players are most likely going to get this is during the mission ‘The Gulag’. Towards the middle of the mission, players will need to get a riot shield to defend themselves.

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By keeping the riot shield, players can melee any enemy they run into. By running out of the armory and hitting the first enemy they see, players will earn the trophy very easily.

2 HARD: Hot Potato

Players can earn this trophy by destroying the helicopter on the mission ‘The Only Easy Day… Was Yesterday’. Players will need to cook a grenade so it detonates right next to the helicopter. Luckily enough, it only takes one grenade to destroy the helicopter.

With enemies and the helicopter shooting at the player, it can get a bit stressful to throw the grenade. Luckily enough, the checkpoint reloads right before the helicopter appears.

1 EASY: Clown In Training

During the first mission, the player can find three different clowns outside of the base. After completing training, players can find a sniper rifle near where they start. It has three bullets — one for each clown. The first clown can be found where the sniper rifle is, located near some rocks.

The next requires players to climb a guard tower and snipe a clown on top of a hangar. The last is found near the Pit, near a stack of cases. Players will know if they got the clown, as it will explode into confetti.

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