Over the past few years, WWE has staged more than one Money in the Bank ladder match as part of the show and have now changed the entire layout of the show so that the women can be given a ladder match as well.

Since this year’s Money in the Bank takes place in just over a week’s time on May 19th, here are some of the greatest botches that have happened at the annual pay-per-view that has become well-known for its contract ladder matches, will any of the stars on this year’s card be able to upstage some of these hilarious botches?

#5 Sin Cara at Money in the Bank 2012

Sin Cara is someone who has quite the reputation for botches since he came into the company as someone who was looked at on the same level as Rey Mysterio before he went on to botch a number of moves and even called off a match against Alberto Del Rio because he broke his finger.

Sin Cara has since been replaced under the mask and has been on a decent run without many botches in recent times, but when we look back at his performance in the 2012 Money in the Bank ladder match, it’s made obvious that Cara had a reputation for a reason.

As shown in the video below, this wasn’t a botch that could be easily overlooked as Sin Cara looked as though he was going for some kind of super-plex but this didn’t go to plan and both stars fell unceremoniously off the top rope.

#4 Rey Mysterio is unmasked, Alberto Del Rio botches his win

Money in the Bank 2011 saw Alberto Del Rio finally climb the ladder and retrieve the lucrative contract, but this didn’t come without its issues. The former World Champion was part of a number of botches throughout the match, the most noticeable when he unmasked Rey Mysterio.

It was obvious that this was the end of the match and Mysterio was supposed to fall down with his ladder to leave Del Rio as the last man standing, but the fact that his ladder ricocheted back into Del Rio’s path and knocked him down as well meant that The Mexican star was forced to dust himself off and reclimb the ladder to win the contract for the first time.

It was an interesting ending that has seemingly set the tone for the Money in the Bank ladder match in the years that have followed.

#3 When Ronda Rousey fell out of the ring

Ronda Rousey faced off against Nia Jax last year at Money in the Bank in the hopes that she would be able to lift the Women’s Championship before Alexa Bliss cashed in her Money in the Bank contract and prevented her victory.

Rousey was up against it in her match against Nia Jax and one of the most memorable moments of the entire match was when the former UFC Champion oversold a powerbomb and fell out of the ring. There have been debates as to whether or not Rousey meant to do this to show how strong Nia Jax actually is, but on the opposite side of the fence there are many fans believe that this was the first in a long line of on-ring botches from Rousey throughout her career.

#2 When Enzo and Cass won the Tag Team Championships

Enzo and Cass competed in a fatal four-way match for the Tag Team Championships back in 2016 when they were part of a match that also included Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, The New Day and The Vaudevillians.

This was a match that was seen as one of the worst on the card for a number of reasons, the botches were perhaps the biggest reason for this. The most glaring error of the whole match was probably when Enzo got the cover on Karl Anderson and Gallows waited too late to pull him off since the referee had already counted to three.

Despite the botch, the match continued and Enzo was then part of a number of other botches that can be seen in the video below.

#1 John Cena accidentally wins the match too early

It’s perhaps one of the most random finishes to a Money in the Bank ladder match in WWE history, but when John Cena picked up the contract back in 2012 his win was reportedly a huge botch.

The former World Champion was fighting The Big Show at the top of the ladder in the final stages of the match when he started using the briefcase as a weapon against The Giant. The issue was that part way through the assault the clip actually snapped and Cena won the match.

Cena himself celebrated before he realized that he had to get rid of The Big Show off the ladder so he continued the assault with the case but the look on his face definitely gave away the fact that he ad-libbed the ending.

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