As of yesterday though, the game is now available on Steam, complete with tons of Valve-themed content like Gordon Freeman’s iconic HEV Suit. Players who have sunk hundreds of hours into the Microsoft version of Phantasy Star Online 2 but want to switch to the Steam version do not need to fear though. Sega has included an easy to follow system to link accounts and continue progressing on whatever platform players prefer.

RELATED: Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Coming Next Year

The most important part of this process is that players cannot have a character on the new Phantasy Star account they are linking to. Once a character is created or a PlayerID is set up on a new platform, players will not be able to link their accounts afterward. With this in mind, here is how players can link their Xbox and Microsoft accounts to their new Steam account.

For players wanting to link their Xbox One or Windows accounts to the Steam version of the game, they will first need to open the account they began on. From there, select the Support Menu found on the Start Menu, and then select the option allowing for an account link code to be issued.

Finally, players will need to launch the Steam version of Phantasy Star Online 2, access their Ship, and enter the account link code given in the previous step. If followed correctly, players should now be able to continue playing as their PSO2 character on Steam. This same process can be followed to link the Steam version to the Xbox One or Windows versions of the game as well, with players following the same steps as before only starting with Steam.

It’s no secret that Phantasy Star Online 2 was plagued with technical issues when it first launched on PC, leaving many players with a bad taste in their mouths. However, it seems that players are enjoying this new version of the game, and is possibly setting the stage for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis to be a blockbuster expansion when it releases next year.

Phantasy Star Online 2 is available now on PC and Xbox One.

MORE: Phantasy Star Online 2: The 9 Character Classes, Ranked

Source: PSO2 Blog