You don’t have to use a special rabbit tray. A regular cat litter tray with lower sides is fine, or even a shallow cardboard box (but be prepared to replace it regularly as it will get chewed).

Most newspapers now use soy-based ink, which is not toxic for rabbits, but always check before using it. Newspaper ink can also rub off onto your rabbit’s coat, turning it black or gray.

Do not use clay based cat litters or clumping cat litters. If the rabbit eats them, these litters could cause a bowel blockage.

Before introducing your bunny to the litter box for the first time, watch it and pay attention to where it does its business. Typically, it will be the back corner. Once you’ve established your bunny’s preferred area, place a box in that spot.

Most desexed adult rabbits will defecate and urinate in one corner, so you only need to place their litter box in their toilet corner. Starting out, when she toilets outside the litter tray, scoop up the pellets and put them in the tray as a hint as to where to go.

In the early stages of training, do not let her out for more than ten minutes at a time, and do not leave her unsupervised in a room (you want to catch her before she toilets). Once she is using a tray regularly, you can relax your vigilance and let her have more freedom.

Offer a little treat, such as a bite of apple or carrot, immediately after she uses her litter box. This will reinforce a positive connection between toileting and the box.

For example, if your rabbit only uses two litter boxes and ignores the others, the extras can be removed. If your rabbit ignores one litter box, but urinates in a corner three feet away, move the litter box to the corner.

Vet clinics or pet stores sell disinfectants that are safe for use around pets.

Do not yell at or punish your rabbit. Rabbits do not learn anything through punishment, other than to be fearful of the person doing the chastising. When getting rid of a mess, always test the carpet for colorfastness first.

Do not use cleaning products that contain bleach. It contains ammonia, a component of urine, and can actually strengthen the smell of urine.