Keep in mind that if you pick a shoebox or small cardboard box, you won’t be able to keep the woodlice for more than a day. This is because the moist material and environment will make the container break down quickly.
If you’re digging into the soil with a sharp shovel, use caution so you don’t accidentally injure woodlice that may be in the ground.
Leave rocks out of the container since they can tumble and crush the woodlice, especially if the container is moved.
Use caution or ask for help when poking holes in the lid. Ensure that the holes aren’t big enough that the woodlice can escape.
If you have other pets or small children, put the woodlice container somewhere out of their reach.
Replace the produce every few days so the food doesn’t begin to mold.
If you’re using a terrarium or aquarium, wipe down the glass if there’s dirt or smudges on it. While it’s safe to keep them for longer, you should release them into their natural habitat so they can mate.
Use light pressure when you pick up the woodlice since it’s easy to accidentally crush them with too much pressure.