Oily hair? Oily hair is not cute. If you have oily hair, then wash your hair frequently, but not every day. Washing your hair everyday can damage it. Use shampoos that say that it prevents oily hair. Also, use conditioner for your hair. Do not apply the conditioner near your scalp as it will make your hair look greasy. After you rinse, comb your hair and apply small amounts of hair lotion or serum. Dry hair? Wash your hair and immediately apply conditioner. Make sure your shampoo is a moisturizing shampoo. Make sure the shampoo has no sulfates. Sulfates cause your hair to dry out quickly. After, apply hair lotion or moisturizing serum. African American hair? Wash your hair and condition. Then blow dry and style to however you like. You must use a flat iron first! Then you may curl or wave your hair, but you do not want the top of your head to be frizzy. Always flat iron first. Just comb your hair and then use the flat iron so that your hair is even. This makes better straightening. If you don’t want it to be straightened, just leave it how it was. Straight hair? After washing and blow drying, you can crimp or curl your hair. This will give you a cute but subtle look.