Moving slowly will give the dog a chance to inspect you and watch your body language.

For example, say, “Hi Sammie. You seem excited about something. How are you doing?”

Don’t be surprised if the dog is more interested in sniffing your shoes than checking you out. Your shoes carry a lot of scents that the dog might try to figure out.

Research shows that dogs can detect anger in facial expressions, so smiling is an important way to appear friendly.

If the dog pulls away, don’t continue to pet it. Give the dog a little space and see if it comes back. The dog might just want a little more time to observe you. Don’t immediately touch the dog’s head, as they might take that as a threatening gesture. [7] X Expert Source Elisabeth WeissProfessional Dog Trainer Expert Interview. 3 September 2020.

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Don’t expect the dog to do tricks to earn the treat if you aren’t familiar with the dog. An anxious dog may not want to approach you, even to get treats. Instead of waiting for the dog to come to you, toss the treats so they land near the dog. This will help build the dog’s trust and confidence.

You’ll notice the dog’s eyes are wide and its ears are directed forward as if the dog is trying to take in the sight and sound of you.

Remember that even though a dog appears relaxed, you should still approach it slowly and calmly.

You might notice the dog’s pupils dilate and it will keep its mouth open.

If the dog is showing these signs, don’t get close to it or attempt to engage it. Even if the dog just seems a little unsure about you, leave them alone until they’re more comfortable. [14] X Expert Source Elisabeth WeissProfessional Dog Trainer Expert Interview. 3 September 2020.