It is still important to cleanse your face as you get older, as it removes traces of chemicals from your environment or any makeup which can cause aging if left on the skin.
And remember, moisturizing is not just for women, there are plenty of similar products on the market aimed at men.
You can put sunscreen not just on your face, but on your chest and the tops of your hands if you’re just going to be out in the sun for a little while. This will prevent those spots on your chest and hands. If you’re going to really be out in the sun, though, then you’ll need to put sunscreen all over your body.
Men: Keep your face clean shaven or neatly trimmed, and always trim your nose and ear hair. You can buy nose hair trimmers at your local pharmacy and it’s completely simple and painless to use. Letting this hair grow wild adds age and also makes you look more scruffy. Make sure to pluck those nose hairs too, if you want to avoid that old man look. Women: Facial hair can sometimes appear in women after menopause due to a change in hormone levels. To get rid of this, and therefore hide your age a little better, there are a few easy ways to keep it away including laser removal, waxing, depilatory/hair removal cream, and threading. Women should also make sure to keep their eyebrows looking pretty thick. As you get older, your eyebrows may start to thin out, so make sure to color them in with a pencil that matches the color of your eyebrows so you continue to look youthful.
Women should also make sure to keep their eyebrows looking pretty thick. As you get older, your eyebrows may start to thin out, so make sure to color them in with a pencil that matches the color of your eyebrows so you continue to look youthful.
Make sure you use a creamy concealer. Any concealer that is waxy or that can get cakey can actually make you look older. [3] X Research source Put a dab of blush at the height of your cheekbones, but don’t use blush in the hollows of your cheeks. As you get older, your face will actually lose fat, and your cheeks will naturally get a little hollower. This can make you look a bit older, so there’s no need to emphasize this further with too much blush. [4] X Research source Start using brown eyeliner instead of black. As you get older, black will start to look too stark in contrast to the rest of your face. Brown will create more gentle frames around your eyes. Show off your lashes. As you get older, your lashes will naturally get thinner and will straighten out, so counteract that by curling your lashes or even wearing thickening mascara when you can. Minimize the drama around your lips. A nice pale shade of lipstick can be a great addition to your face, but don’t line your lips too much or wear bright lipstick; your lips will thin out as you get older, and there’s no need to overcompensate.
There are also over the counter whitening products which can also be effective, although you might want to talk to your dentist for advice beforehand. Teeth can give away your real age more than any other part of your body, so start early with your total teeth care routine.
As a way of avoiding dying your hair too often, you can apply hair dye primarily to the roots where your real hair color is showing, leave it there for longer, and then work the rest through the hair for the last few minutes. Another alternative is to buy root touch-up kits that match the hair dye you used. Women should consider getting highlights along with dying their hair, to add a softer edge to their new look. Try using natural or organic hair dyes free from harmful chemicals. You will have better hair and it will be better.
Women: Consider getting bangs if you have a larger forehead and if they fit your face shape. They will make you look more youthful. Layers can also take years off the age you look. They’ll make your hair look more textured, airy, and voluminous, and will get rid of that flat, stringy look your hair might be suffering from. Chop off your hair so it frames your face and falls above your shoulders. Cutting a few inches off your hair will make you look years younger. Just make sure you don’t cut it too short so you end up looking like you’re rocking the Grandma look. Men: Let your hair grow out just a bit so your features look less harsh. But don’t let your hair get too shaggy or you’ll look a bit more haggard and old. If you’re going bald, consider shaving your head. This will make you look younger – and sexier – instead of just letting your bald spot show.
Consider getting bangs if you have a larger forehead and if they fit your face shape. They will make you look more youthful. Layers can also take years off the age you look. They’ll make your hair look more textured, airy, and voluminous, and will get rid of that flat, stringy look your hair might be suffering from. Chop off your hair so it frames your face and falls above your shoulders. Cutting a few inches off your hair will make you look years younger. Just make sure you don’t cut it too short so you end up looking like you’re rocking the Grandma look.
Let your hair grow out just a bit so your features look less harsh. But don’t let your hair get too shaggy or you’ll look a bit more haggard and old. If you’re going bald, consider shaving your head. This will make you look younger – and sexier – instead of just letting your bald spot show.
You don’t have to get rid of your darker colored clothes completely. But if you do wear a black shirt, for example, spice it up with a colorful tie or a bright piece of jewelry.
Additionally, it helps to get manicures and pedicures regularly. This extra hand maintenance will make you look even younger.
You don’t have to over-hydrate but make a point of drinking enough water to stay healthy and look young.
Make a goal of exercising for at least 30 minutes a day. If it’s really hard to work exercise into your daily routine, aim to walk as much as you can. Walk to the grocery store for 20 minutes instead of driving, walk when you’re chatting on the phone with your friends, or just try to walk for at least two hours a week. Though staying in shape is important, losing weight drastically or yo-yo dieting may make you suddenly lose a lot of weight, but it can actually make you look older. Losing weight quickly can make your face and neck skin look a bit saggy, so it’s better to take things in moderation and lose weight gradually. Low-carb, high-fat diets can actually assist with weight loss. [11] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source Some great exercises for older people include yoga, Pilates, biking, easy hiking, and tennis.
Make a goal of exercising for at least 30 minutes a day. If it’s really hard to work exercise into your daily routine, aim to walk as much as you can. Walk to the grocery store for 20 minutes instead of driving, walk when you’re chatting on the phone with your friends, or just try to walk for at least two hours a week. Though staying in shape is important, losing weight drastically or yo-yo dieting may make you suddenly lose a lot of weight, but it can actually make you look older. Losing weight quickly can make your face and neck skin look a bit saggy, so it’s better to take things in moderation and lose weight gradually. Low-carb, high-fat diets can actually assist with weight loss. [11] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U. S. National Institutes of Health Go to source Some great exercises for older people include yoga, Pilates, biking, easy hiking, and tennis.
Oranges. The vitamin C in this delicious fruit is guaranteed to make you feel younger. Broccoli. This vegetable has vitamin C and properties that help keep your liver strong. Low-fat yogurt. It can help your skin and give you the calcium you need for healthy teeth. Berries. The antioxidants in any kind of berry can help keep your skin fresh. [14] X Expert Source Asmi Sanghvi, DOBoard Certified Dermatologist Expert Interview. 16 August 2021. Sweet potatoes. These are great for your complexion and hair. Carrots. These are another fantastic food for your skin. [15] X Expert Source Asmi Sanghvi, DOBoard Certified Dermatologist Expert Interview. 16 August 2021.
You may be telling yourself that you’re too busy, tired, or just have too much on your mind to have sex. But hey, now you can think of having sex not as a fun way to pass the time, but as a means of looking younger. Now that’s productive!
It may be tempting to slouch when you’re sitting down, but remember that good posture is something you can maintain whether you’re sitting down or standing up.
Make a goal of getting a massage at least once a month, or even more frequently, if you’re feeling particularly tense.
Doing yoga also generally promotes a healthy lifestyle that will help you look younger.
This means avoiding situations that bring you great stress, like going to loud parties you don’t even like or getting in your car during the peak of rush-hour traffic. Make a list of the ten things that stress you out the most. Now, write down five ways that you can reduce your exposure to each thing, if you can. Of course, there are some stressful things you can’t avoid, such as an aging parent or a spouse who lost his job; however, you do have the power to develop a more positive attitude toward these things.
Smoking obviously also makes you smell like cigarettes. This is not a smell associated with people in the first bloom of youth – not in 2013, anyway.
Of course, part of looking young is feeling young and having fun. And for some people, alcohol is a fun social lubricant. So, if you like to get crazy and have a few martinis now and again, don’t cut the drinking out of your life completely.
Stop worrying as much as you can and go out there and enjoy the world. You’ll be too busy having fun to worry about how you look. Be proud of your age. Stay positive about how you look, even if you wish you could look a little younger, and other people will see your looks in a more positive light.