Why do you think you need to lose weight? Maybe you are overweight. What habits have caused you to gain weight? Perhaps you eat too many sugary snacks. How does changing these habits fit into your religious path? You may want to learn to moderate your indulgences. Do you feel like your habits are in conflict with what you want spiritually? You may feel like you are too focused on worldly activities and not on your spiritual health.

Take a leisurely walk since you can’t replenish your body with water during fasting. Embrace a new hobby, such as knitting, woodworking, drawing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or completing puzzles.

Continue your normal daily activities. Add a yoga routine to your day. Go for a stroll.

Talk to your doctor before beginning any new exercise programs, if you are overweight, or if you have any health conditions. You may want to work with a trainer to create a workout for you. [5] X Research source You can find a trainer by visiting a gym or searching online for private trainers. Be sure to check references before you hire someone.

Eat rolled oats, topped with fruit and low-fat milk and paired with an egg. Try scrambled eggs topped with a light cheese, along with apple slices and a piece of whole-grain toast.

Choose something easy and flavorful, such as a piece of fruit, vegetables paired with hummus, apple slices dipped in peanut butter, or a small salad. If you must wait and join in at a family or community it far, bring a healthy option to the meal that you can start with. After your first few bites, it will be easier to resist overeating.

Try to spread out your 4 glasses in between itfar and suhur so that you aren’t drinking more than 1 glass in the same hour. [8] X Research source

Ramadan is a great time to break your sugar habit. If you stop eating it, you’ll stop craving it. While fruit is a healthy option, try to avoid fruit juices, which can pack a higher sugar punch. [10] X Research source

Notice the flavors and textures of your food. Swallow each bite before putting more food into your mouth. Set your fork or spoon down between bites. Take time to smell your food. It’s okay to eat a normal-sized meal, even though you will not eat again until sundown. Overeating at meals is one of the biggest diet pitfalls of Ramadan. [11] X Research source If you want to lose weight, you will need to eat less than you burn. However, you should not eat fewer than 1200 calories per day. You can use an online calculator to determine your calorie needs, such as this one: http://www. calculator. net/calorie-calculator. html.

Eat regular-sized meals instead of a feast. Choose lower-calorie dishes. Think of your meals as fuel and not rewards for fasting.

Make a point to eat your portions of the special dishes alongside your family or friends so that you can share in their meaning together. Don’t refuse someone’s generosity, since this is an important part of Ramadan. Thank them, then share your extra food with others.

Try coloring. Go for a stroll in nature. Journal your thoughts. Read a book. Talk things out with a friend. Listen to calming music. Snuggle with a pet or family member.

Focus on your faith through prayer, reflection, reading your Quran, and attending religious services. Play a game with friends, such as a board game. Read a book. Ask to hold your work meetings in the boardroom or in someone’s office.

Make meals for others. Visit with the sick. Donate your skills to a charity. Bring items that you no longer use to those who are in need.

If you start to think about food, turn your thoughts to prayer. Consider keeping a prayer on you to read when your thoughts are muddled. This way you can still engage in prayer even if you’re feeling distracted.