Take her somewhere she’s never been before. If she’s an avid hiker, for example, take her on a challenging hike in a new place. You can also try things she’s never done before. For example, book a horseback riding or skydiving lesson with her.

Take dating a Scorpio as a chance to explore your own sexuality. A Scorpio woman will be eager to try out new things in bed, so have an open mind.

Traditional gifts like jewelry, flowers, and chocolates will not be appreciated unless they have special meaning or match a Scorpio’s character. If you find, say, a necklace that you feel would have sentimental value to her, this would be a great gift. A generic necklace, however, may not be appreciated. Think about something that caters to her specific interests that she’ll really use. For example, if your Scorpio woman is an avid reader, get her a subscription to a literary magazine. She will appreciate a gift that shows you understand her character.

Try to understand where your Scorpio woman is coming from when she experiences mood swings and strong emotions. Ask questions like, “Why do you feel that way?” and “Can you explain?” It’s important to a Scorpio woman to feel she can express herself emotionally. You should also be open with your emotions in return. If you tend to be more withdrawn and logical, push yourself past these boundaries and really open up. Let your Scorpio know what you’re feeling and why.

Scorpios are upfront by nature, so a Scorpio woman will let you know if you’re bothering her. If you ask her about something she’d rather not share, she will say so. Scorpios are thinkers by nature and have a rich internal life. They prefer to keep some aspects of this life private, and expect those who love them to grant them this privacy.

Scorpios tend to enjoy power plays, so make her feel like she has to push you a little to get information. While this may feel like you’re playing games, Scorpio women actually may enjoy this dynamic.

Never interrupt a Scorpio woman while she’s at work. A Scorpio who is an avid reader, for example, will not appreciate you talking to her while she’s invested in a book. You need to be your Scorpio woman’s personal cheerleader. Scorpios will not settle for partners who do not encourage them to pursue their passions.

Do not be offended if a Scorpio woman does not seem to need you to have fun. A Scorpio’s independent natures means she is able to make her own fun, whether others are present or not. Learn to value this. This is not a sign you are not important to Scorpio woman. In fact, you are very important. She is not with you because she relies on you for companionship or comfort. She is with you because she genuinely wants to be around you.

Remember, Scorpios are loyal, passionate, and stay with partners whose company they genuinely enjoy. Therefore, criticism can be seen as an act of encouragement. A Scorpio woman wants you to be the best person you possibly can.