If you have problems loving yourself, then work hard to build yourself up. Work on your self-confidence by accepting your past and moving forward. You may feel that things you did in the past will make you unlovable, or that you have too many problems to be lovable. Untrue. Accept the things that happened to you, forgive yourself, and move on. For more information, check out How to Love Yourself.

Don’t let yourself become the last priority; instead, do things to show yourself you care. Treat yourself to a massage or a bath. Do one thing every day that is just for you. This extends to maintaining boundaries and saying “no. ” If what you need is some relaxation, say no to getting together with friends. [3] X Research source

Think about the characteristics you have that you love about yourself. Maybe you are very compassionate, generous, or a good listener. Maybe you pick up new skills easily. Perhaps you create beautiful paintings or wire electricity like a pro. Take a moment and be grateful.

Use positive self-talk to transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Combat thoughts about new situations. Instead of “I’ll mess this up; I’m so foolish!” try “I feel proud of myself for trying something new and putting myself out there. ” If you think “I am so bad at meeting people” replace it with “I’m excited to learn new social skills and meet people more like me. I know I can succeed in making friends. ”

You can choose to meditate, practice yoga, paint or draw, kayak, hiking, practice Muay Thai or engage in lively discussions. Think about what brings a smile to your face, and go do it!

It’s important to note that alone time doesn’t mean going on social media. Try to do things that enrich your life and make you feel good like taking a walk or journaling. If you struggle to find alone time, wake up before other people, or spend your lunch breaks alone. Ask your partner to watch the kids for one hour each week so you can get out of the house and spend some time alone.

If you are unhappy or impatient being single, make the best of the situation. Pursue opportunities that are difficult to accomplish with a partner or a family. Travel, acquire lots of close friends and enjoy your perpetual freedom.

Commit to the person and to the relationship. Put in work to make your partner feel special, and work toward making the relationship work.

When you begin to feel vulnerable (like experiencing fear, sadness, shame, or hurt), take a moment and pause. Acknowledge whatever feelings come up and allow yourself to feel them; don’t avoid them. Take compassion on the feeling and be gentle with it. Share your vulnerable moments and let your partner support you.

Lots of things can create peaks and troughs in love, such as having children or growing older. You can work through them.

Affection is a way to make your partner feel loved and for you to feel loving.

If you’re in the wrong, apologize and own up to your mistake. Good relationships air out the grievances and clear the air.

Be aware that there’s always the opportunity for reconciliation. Whether you have volatile screaming matches or you sit down together to compromise before things get too heated, almost every style of conflict allows for some form of reconciliation. No matter how you and your partner fight, make sure you both, in the end, feel heard and are able to come to some kind of agreement. [15] X Research source

Positive interactions include physical intimacy such as touching, smiling, and laughing.