Part of nurturing your dog is rewarding your dog’s good behavior with food, attention, or play, and knowing how to correct bad behavior. This way, he won’t repeat the action. [4] X Expert Source Dominik FeichtnerDog Trainer & Behaviorist Expert Interview. 18 March 2021.

For example, if you don’t set boundaries, don’t be surprised if your dog one day tries to bite your partner or chews your favorite designer handbag.

For example, if your dog is breaking a “no dog on the sofa” rule, distract him so he jumps down, then reward the good behavior of getting down. You may distract him by playing with his favorite toy or dropping a treat on the floor. If the dog disobeys you again, you may need to put a leash on him in the house to keep him off the sofa. [10] X Expert Source Dominik FeichtnerDog Trainer & Behaviorist Expert Interview. 18 March 2021. Or, you may need to put him out of the room, withdrawing attention.

By understanding how your dog feels, you can react appropriately by removing the dog from what’s scaring him, distracting him with some training exercises, or backing away and reducing the pressure on your dog.

Make your dog feel secure by never fighting with your family in front of the dog. Watching an argument may distress him.

If your dog puts his head in your lap, it’s not because he wants you to scratch behind his ears. He’s actually trying to figure out where you’ve been, who you’ve been with, and what you just ate.

Experts believe that a grieving or depressed dog can be cheered up by enforcing a routine rather than deviating from it.

By caring for your dog’s health and only occasionally rewarding him with treats, you show him that you care.

A well-exercised dog is a fulfilled dog, who is far less like to have behavioral issues such as destructiveness or disobedience. Small dogs have a lot of energy, but it is quickly used up. A short walk should give a small dog enough exercise for the day. Dogs with thicker builds are typically more sedentary and will be less interested in exercise. Still, it’s good to get them outside once in a while.

Training keeps dogs mentally stimulated and is a great chance for some one-on-one attention, which they love. Keeping your dog mentally active is a great way to show you love him, because it adds purpose and stimulation to his life, and helps him look forward to each day.