In a bedroom In a closet Under a bed In a room that isn’t used often

Can the person exit whenever they want without barriers? Could they accidentally end up trapped inside? Are flammable objects kept away from heaters, candles, and other possible fire hazards? Are curious kids safe from choking hazards and electrical outlets? Are weighted blankets light enough that the person can free themselves without help? Is there a risk of other people accidentally getting locked out? (For example, if the door locks from inside, a child who plays with the lock might lock out family members and not know how to let them in. )

Some people like to curl up underneath or behind objects. Try creating a makeshift tent, or using furniture in unconventional ways.

Audio: a radio or tablet with soothing nature or instrumental music Visual: Drawings with the user’s favorite color, snow globes, photo albums, blankets/pillows in calming colors Tactile: Fidget toys with various textures, and soft stuffed animals or pillows Olfactory/Gustatory: Lollipops, hard candies, candles, sweet-smelling lotions or soaps, chewy toys or jewelry Proprioceptive:[4] X Research source Weighted blankets, beanbags, deep pressure vests, brushes, lotion

Books Fidget toys Puzzles Coloring books One-person games

Remember that when the person using the corner is stressed, they may be too overwhelmed to think of grabbing additional activities. The corner should have enough activities to keep the person from getting bored.

“When I get sensory overload, I need to be alone, and trying to interact with other people only makes it worse. I made this corner so I can have a place to recover. When I’m in there, please leave me alone. " “Your sister’s corner is a place she can hide when she gets upset. It’s her special space. When she goes there, it means she’s upset and she needs you to leave her alone. If you want your own corner too, I can help you make one in your room. " “I created this corner so I have a place to cope when my PTSD is acting up. Taking some quiet time away from other people helps me calm down. Would you please help my siblings understand that I need to be alone when I go there?”

“When I’m in the corner, I really need to be alone. Don’t interrupt me unless it’s urgent. If it’s a question like what I want for supper, you can choose for me. " “I know you want to comfort your brother when he’s stressed. But when he uses his corner, it means he needs to be alone. When that happens, the best thing for you to do is to go to a different room and have fun on your own. You can play with him again after he comes out. "

“If you need to use your corner, just tell me or Mom. If you’re too overwhelmed to talk, just point to your corner and we’ll know what you mean. " “I’ll do my best to tell you that I have to go. If I run off, you can assume I’ve gone to my corner and that I’ll come back when I’m ready. "

“We can ask him what’s wrong once he’s done with the corner. For now, I think he wants to be alone. "

If the child already uses that area as a place to hide, check with them before changing what’s in there. Make sure that they approve of any changes you make to their space. Tell the child that they’re allowed to take things from the corner if they want to use them.

Ask them if they’d like to add things to the corner. The child might have some good ideas. (Also, let them know that they can add and take away their own things from the corner anytime. ) Let them decorate it with artwork or photos if they’d like.

Allow your child to explore the corner on their own when they are feeling calm. Keep it open-ended, and let them play with the toys. Leave them alone when they do, so that they don’t get confused about whether people will interact with them when they’re there. Use social stories to demonstrate correct use of the corner.

“Do you want me to comfort you, or do you want some alone time in your corner?” “Would you like to take some quiet time in your corner?” “You look stressed. Do you need a quick break in your corner?”

If they start talking to you while they’re in the corner, try asking “Are you done with your corner?” This can help them understand that the corner is for alone time, not social time.