When that call is established, tap Add Call. The first caller is placed on hold.
You can conference with up to five people, depending on your carrier. This method works with both Apple iPhones and the Android HTC Hero.
You can pay per conference call (and get charged according to how many people call in, how long the call lasts, etc. ) or purchase a flat rate service, in which you have unlimited access to a conference bridge at a fixed monthly cost. Generally, only the host pays for the service. Some services will require you to buy hardware and/or add/switch long distance service, but there are prepaid services that will allow you to use your landline telephone, mobile phone, or computer. Consider if you want a toll-free number, or if you want participants to pay long distance charges when they call in. Conference calls can also be used in conjunction with web conferences, so participants can view documents or presentations simultaneously while on the call. Some providers offer this as a package, but you can do this separately (e. g. have all participants go to the same URL or open the same e-mail attachment while on the call).
Test the bridge in advance if you are unfamiliar with the tool you’ll be using.
Create the agenda. Outline who will speak, what they will talk about, and in what order. Share the agenda and meeting details with everyone through email. Follow the agenda. It will help you to know when to wrap up the session.
Before dismissing everyone, summarize what was decided and outline any next steps. Thank them for attending.