A color scheme can be very effective. [1] X Research source Use a color wheel to come up with basic color harmonies. For example, you could stick to analogous colors (adjacent ones on the color wheel), like different shades of blues and greens. Or, you could use complementary colors, such as red and green. [2] X Research source A color matching the image you use in the flyer is even better. For example, if your picture shows a sunrise, you could use oranges and yellows. To make the yellow letters pop, they could be outlined in black.

Do not make people have to think deeply about the content your flyer—it should communicate your message at an almost intuitive level. Think catchy and fun. Which headline jumped out at you? If you’re like most people, the “puppies and ice cream” caught your attention. That’s not because everybody likes puppies and ice cream; it’s because it is bright red, a color that naturally draws the eye. (However, obviously many people like puppies and ice cream, and the unexpected and humorous content adds to the effectiveness. )

Be direct and to-the-point. Make your description text concise but appropriately detailed.

Use words and phrases that might make your offer more enticing: “FREE”, “NEW”, “REWARD,” etc. These are enticing, but also eye-catching, and they can encourage viewers to follow your call to action. Of course, only include these terms if they actually hold true to your advertisement. You don’t want to mislead your audience. Use the word “you”. This way, you’ll be appealing directly to the reader.

You can also use the time-honored “tear-off” method: create a condensed version of your flyer text in a smaller font, rotate it 90 degrees and repeat it several times across the bottom of the flyer. Make a partial cut between each occurrence so people can tear off the contact information conveniently. Do not put any information that is private. Do not, for instance, use your last name or give a home address.

Try to use only one image if you can. If necessary, you can include two images side by side, but any more than this will make the flyer too cluttered, which makes it less likely to catch someone’s eye.

Proofread the entire flyer to make sure all the information is accurate and the spelling and grammar are correct. A good way to critique is to ask a friend or family member who has not seen your flyer to take a look at it, and see if they get its message right away.

If it’s too many for your printer to handle, or if you’re expecting rain (the ink output of most home printers will run if left in the rain), find a local copy or office supply store and use a self-serve copier. Black-and-white copies are generally cheaper than color, but do not have the same impact as color. If you decide to go with black-and-white, you might try this: instead of printing the headline and any colored words, leave those sections blank and write them in by hand with a colored marker. Even using a highlighter works well.

If you lost your kitty in your neighborhood, post your flyer on telephone poles, bus stops, the local convenience store, the coffee shop, laundromat, at local swimming pools, and any other nearby gathering places. If you lost your purse downtown, post flyers as near as possible to the last place where you know you had your purse. Note that in urban areas there are often restrictions on what you can post, and where––since it’s easy to find you, don’t flaunt the regulations! Try coffee shops, public bulletin boards, and if you see a pole that’s covered with flyers—it’s fair game! If you are trying to reach a college or other school audience for your club, generally there are rules and even traditional places to put postings. It is usually a combination of what works (hallways, the doors to bathrooms, homeroom hand-outs) and rules about where it is acceptable to post these things.