Wear a little cologne. Just don’t overdo it or it will be overpowering. You want her to focus on you, not the overwhelming scent around you.

The key to smiling is to be genuine. When people are really happy and having fun, it usually is the eyes that express the emotion to others. Smiling too quickly can seem contrived. When you smile, slowly pull back the corners of your mouth.

Get your rest, too. You may not realize how much the dark circles under your eyes make you less attractive, but women do.

Success goes further than being wealthy. Perhaps you want to learn more, or sing in a band or climb a mountain. The kind of guy who goes after these dreams is the kind of guy that will have more success attracting women.

Even though girls admire confidence, don’t gloat so much come across as self-absorbed. Relax. Men that are relaxed are more attractive than those that are stressed out. [7] X Research source

Since most people decide if they like someone in the first 30 seconds, it’s important to make them count. [8] X Research source If you get approach her in a way that is immediately uncomfortable for her, you may have a hard time making a good impression.

Don’t use a pick-up line. She probably heard it before. Just say, “Hi. " If you’re looking to be more original, “Hello” works too. Introduce yourself. Shake her hand gently, too. If you’re at school or somewhere and she is talking with a group of friends, move nearby so as to overhear the conversation. Then interrupt to ask a question about their conversation. It doesn’t even matter what they are saying. For example, if she says something like, “It was such a good movie,” just interrupt and ask “what movie?” Instead of hitting on her you are suddenly just part of her conversation and she is likely to give you a few moments.

Tell her a funny personal story. You can even make one up ahead of time. If you can make her laugh right away she will likely enjoy your company. Use an indirect opener. An indirect opener can let you start a conversation while staying under the radar. For example try saying, “What is a good place to get a drink around here?” She might offer a suggestion, then you can work up a conversation. After you talk with her for awhile, you can ask her to go to the place she suggested. If you’re younger and approaching a girl in school, there are lots of opportunities to open a conversation. For example, whether you have a class together or not ask, “Don’t we have a class together?” Even if you don’t you can insist you do, or say you are pretty sure you’ve met before. Then, ask her name and keep the conversation going. Try a situational opener. Depending on where you are, you might start a conversation by pointing out something around you. For example, if there is music playing you can ask “Do you know who sings this song?” Whether she knows or not, you can comment on how good or bad the song is and, before you know it, you’re talking about all sorts of topics.

If you’re struggling to find something to say to keep the conversation going, try saying something like, “That’s really fascinating, tell me more about that. " Give her your full attention. Don’t go looking around at other girls, or the room, or even your cell phone. If you make positive noises, like “uh huh” or “right” during her pauses it will prevent you from seeming cold and encourage her to keep talking.

Don’t be an open book. While it is good to open up, know when to shut it down. You don’t want to talk too much about your shortcomings, or bring a negative tone to the conversation.

You can talk about places you really want to travel to and where you have been. Talk about how much you love doing what you do. You can even be very passionate about music, books, painting or skydiving. Bring up whatever it is that really matters to you.

You can also try giving her a nickname. Something fun and playful can help ease the tension and build a connection. [9] X Research source If you notice she is always eating a blueberry muffin for breakfast at work or school, you can call her “muffin” or “blue. " Maintain eye contact when talking to her. [10] X Expert Source Mark RosenfeldDating & Relationship Coach Expert Interview. 11 June 2021. This helps to reassure her that she is the center of your attention and lets her know you’re actually listening.

Keep your eyes up. Don’t look at the floor. This can project insecurities and a lack of confidence. Keeping your chin up projects pride and confidence which is more likely to appeal to a woman. Make your intentions clear. You don’t have to say something blunt like, “I want you. " Casually interject that she is “good-looking,” or “stunning,” or something along those lines to show you find her attractive. Do this early on in your conversation so she knows what you are looking for. Touch her. Don’t be afraid to put your hand on her back, or touch her gently on the hands. You don’t want to make any moves that are too aggressive, but be an alpha male by letting her know your intentions. Be sure to judge her reactions. If she seems uncomfortable, don’t push it.

Even if she rejects you, remain upbeat. She may come around to seeing things your way (but if she doesn’t, just let it go––don’t be a stalker). Showing that you are man enough to handle her decision and still be confident and happy will likely impress her.

Be busy. Tell her you really want to take her out, but you’re so busy lately that you can’t make any promises. This makes you seem important and in demand. That you have a full and interesting life. That you like her, but that she will have to work to win you. Suddenly she finds herself the pursuer in the relationship and you are something to obtain.

If she is creeping in on your personal space, there is a good chance she is doing it intentionally. Just be sure you aren’t the one who is actually moving closer.