A hunched back can make you look unsure of yourself, or even like you don’t care too much about the situation. Standing or sitting up straight and tall can not only make you appear more confident, but it can actually make you feel more confident as well![3] X Research source

Pay attention to how much you’re blinking. It can be an unconscious thing, but rapid blinking can make you look nervous or uncomfortable. If you find yourself blinking a lot, try to slow it down.

Talk with your hands, if it’s appropriate! If you’re passionate about something you’re speaking about, feel free to gesture — just don’t overdo it. [6] X Research source

If you’re in a group of people, try not to cut anyone off or leave anyone out, but do try to pivot toward the person you want to impress. If you’re in a situation where it isn’t possible to completely turn towards the person, just maintain eye contact to show your interest. Disrupting an interaction by trying to angle your body towards him could make you appear overeager and might be a bit awkward.

If you aren’t in a situation where you feel comfortable leaning in, just make sure you aren’t leaning away. Just like leaning in shows interest, leaning back shows disinterest. [11] X Research source

Avoid laughing out of nerves or because you have nothing to say. Random, unprompted laughter may make you look uncomfortable and nervous.