Though it’s impossible to know if he has feelings for you with 100% certainty without asking, there are many tell-tale signs that he has a crush on you. If he pays extra attention to you in groups, makes a point of ignoring you in groups, or is always caught staring at you, then chances are, he has a crush on you. Of course, if you play your cards right, you can make a guy notice you more by trying to make him jealous, but this will be harder to do if there isn’t some interest in the beginning.

This means you should look like a version of your best self, not that you should try to look like a celebrity or a supermodel.

If he catches you looking around the room for him, or trying to put on an act for him, then he won’t be likely to get very jealous. Make sure he really doesn’t think he’s on your mind at all. That will drive him crazy.

If you really can’t stop thinking about the guy and have nothing to do, make a point of making your schedule more packed. If he can see you being busy and doing things that matter to you (other than him), then great. He’ll be even more interested.

If you flirt with too many guys in a short period of time, however, he might catch on, especially if you’re not normally that much of a flirt. But don’t make it too obvious, because he might think that you’re a type of girl who’s easy to get and flirt with. We don’t want to make a bad impression, right? There’s a difference between casually flirting and leading a guy on. Don’t flirt too much with a guy who you know likes you just to get back at someone else, because you’ll be getting the poor guy’s hopes up.

If you and the guy you’re dating happen to be around the guy you’re trying to make jealous, act natural. Let him see you having a great time instead of laughing too hysterically or trying too hard to say, “Look at me! I am having such an amazing time without you!”

If he texts you a lot, don’t get back to him right away. Give it at least a day or two to make him see that you have better things to do than to get back to him ASAP (even if you don’t!). If he’s passing you in the halls and says hi, you can say hi back, but don’t slow down and talk to him; you’ve got places to go!

In the same vein, if he calls you to ask if you want to do something, once in a while it’s good to just say that you have other plans, even if you don’t really.

Don’t post too often, though, or he’ll think the opposite – that you have no life. Just posting something two or three times a week should do the trick.

If he’s in the same room as you, keep doing what you’re doing. If you change your entire personality just to make the guy jealous, he’ll be able to tell.

Don’t name drop too often, either. Mentioning another guy’s name just once or twice throughout the course of a conversation will do the trick.

You can be a bit mean, especially if you want to get the guy back, but don’t lose sight of who you are.

Don’t give him 100% of your attention when you talk to him, either. Make him see that you’ve got other things on your mind.

Don’t be an open book if you want him to be jealous. Lead him to guess what you could be up to and to create his own scenarios that can make him jealous!

If you do date the guy, you can still keep him on his toes, but there are better ways of doing so than making him jealous! If you want to start a relationship with the guy, then it has to be built on a foundation of trust, not doubt and suspicion.