If you met him at a sporting event, for example, you might decorate the box with footballs and references to whatever game you met at. For another example: If you met him through your mutual appreciation of classic progressive rock, you might adorn your box with references to Genesis and Van der Graaf Generator. This example may be transposed to fit any genre.

If you’re really the arts and crafts type, you can even try your hand at creating your own box from scratch. Wood and cardboard are recommended sources to work with. Plastic tupperware actually works quite well for a box, though it’s recommended you tape black construction paper around it to make the inside contents a surprise.

A pair of scissors. Some construction paper. Pens and/or pencils. Tape and/or glue.

Don’t go overboard with flair; going the extra mile with accessories may seem like a good way to show your boyfriend how much you love him, but it might make the box look like a crowded mess!

A picture of the two of you. A love letter, explaining the purpose of the box and how much they mean to you. A list of things you love about them. An abstract doodle intended to convey your timeless passion.

Put your talents to best use. If you’re a great writer, writing a poem or a fictionalized interpretation of how you met might be a great way to decorate the inside lid. If you’re a great artist, a small painting might do just the trick.

For instance, if your boyfriend’s really excited for a show, pick up a pair of concert tickets and hide them at the bottom of the box.

A great love box isn’t a one-off deal; you’ll be able to add more things to it over time as you experience more things together.

If you want to go the extra mile, you can gift wrap the love box.