You could say something like “Good afternoon Principal Jacobs, teachers, staff, family, and most importantly my fellow graduating class. ”
Encourage your classmates to always remember and cherish the good times you had together.
For instance, you could say “During the fall charity drive, our class made history by raising over three thousand dollars. ”
Say something like: “I want to thank the teachers, staff, Principal Nolan, and, of course, my parents for a wonderful Lemon Valley experience. Without your support and guidance we would not be where we are today. " You could add: “I would especially like to thank my classmates for making middle school one of the most fun and rewarding experiences of my life. "
For example, you should say “We will always remember when Mr. C. made a perfect dunk on the basketball court” instead of “I will always remember when Mr. C. made a perfect dunk of the basketball court. ”
Avoid making insulting jokes that may offend someone in the audience. You could tell a quick story that highlights a funny moment from the last year. For example, “Mr. D was so eager to come to school and teach us that one day he wore his shirt inside out. "
That being said, it is okay to give a tribute to someone if they deserve special recognition. For example, perhaps the entire graduating class had the same teacher. In this instance, you can mention that teacher individually.
Alternatively, you could choose a quote that was hung on your classroom wall and talk about how you can apply this quote to future successes.
For example, you could quote a piece of advice from a celebrity commencement speech. Alternatively, you could say something serious like “The journey ahead may not be easy, and most of us will stumble at some point. The important thing is that we get back up and keep working towards our goals and dreams. "