Some pop-up card templates will be a single shape, while others will include duplicates of certain shapes that can be cut out in different colors and superimposed over the pop-up shape to allow you to use different designs.

Use 65lb cardstock. This is thicker than paper, but not too thick to fold and open neatly. You can buy 65lb cardstock at any craft or office supply store.

Double-back tape by folding a piece approximately two inches long back on itself and sticking the adhesive side of one end onto the top side of the other, making a small loop with the adhesive side outward.

Make sure the scissors you’re using are sharp and the blades are thin enough to handle fine line work. You may want to pick up some specialty crafting scissors, just in case, as conventional kitchen scissors may be too wide to neatly cut out small details. [2] X Research source

The first crease created by folding the template and cardstock down the middle is where the pop-up design will fit into the fold of the card.

The folded card will fit a standard 4”x6” invitation envelope. [3] X Research source

Only glue one side of the shape, and do not glue above the folded lines. A hot glue gun might work best for this task, or you might find a craft glue with a strong hold. Ordinary Elmer’s glue will suffice but may eventually come unglued after drying. [4] X Research source

Remember to connect only the top halves of the cupcake; the bottom section should remain unglued to allow it to “puff up” when the card is opened.

Leftover pieces can be saved or else used to make your own embellishments to the pop-up designs (i. e. adding more candles).

If your pop-up shape doesn’t stand up correctly, it most likely means a slight mistake was made cutting the cupcake shape or gluing it down. Give it another attempt, making sure to cut the pop-up shape as precisely as possible and gluing only the folded edge of the underside to the base cardstock. Misaligning the candles at the top of the cupcake can make the pop-up shape look crooked and may prevent it from lying flat when the card is closed. Both candle halves should be perfectly superimposed before you glue them. It might be helpful to print out multiple copies of the original template in case you need a practice run or two.