sudo passwd pi.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo date –set=“30 December 2013 10:00:00”

sudo apt-get install ca-certificates sudo apt-get install git-core sudo wget https://raw. github. com/Hexxeh/rpi-update/master/rpi-update -O /usr/bin/rpi-update && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/rpi-update sudo rpi-update sudo shutdown -r now

hostname -I You should see something like this: 192. 168. 1. 17 What appears is the IP address of your Raspberry Pi.

After noting the inet addr use: sudo /etc/init. d/ssh start for every time you boot up the pi. Hint: If an error occurs, use the command below, and then the command up above. sudo apt-get install ssh Then, restart your pi: sudo shutdown -r now

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5

sudo service apache2 restart OR sudo /etc/init. d/apache2 restart

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql

sudo chown -R pi /var/www

sudo apt-get install vsftpd

sudo nano /etc/vsftpd. conf

anonymous_enable=YES to anonymous_enable=NO Uncomment local_enable=YES and write_enable=YES by deleting the # symbol in front of each line then go to the bottom of the file and add force_dot_files=YES.

sudo service vsftpd restart

ln -s /var/www/ ~/www