Make sure to use clean, safe water if you’re planning on consuming your moon water. [2] X Research source

Basil adds prosperity. Rose petals add beauty. Dried lavender adds relaxation. Citrus peels add happiness. Amethyst adds intention.

Repeating a mantra or prayer allowed is also a great way to set an intention. For example, your intention could be “I wish to release __” or “I invite __ into my life. ”[5] X Research source

When you choose to charge your water is totally up to you, but many witches recommend doing so during a full moon or lunar event, like an eclipse. [7] X Research source The phase of the moon and the astrological season will alter the energy of your moon water. [8] X Research source For example, you may want to charge moon water under a new moon if you’re looking to create intentions and wishes. [9] X Research source If it’s cloudy out, don’t worry! Moon water can still charge in indirect light, but its energetic properties may fade faster.

Label your moon water’s container with the moon phase and time it was charged. For example, your label may say something like, “Full Moon in Scorpio, May 2022. ”

Make a moon water tea to spiritually recharge. Fill an ice cube tray with moon water to make ice cubes to add to your drinks. [12] X Research source Make sure the items you put in your moon water are safe to ingest before drinking.

Unlike its sun counterpart that releases energy, moon water infuses energy. [13] X Research source

Add a cup or so of moon water to a bath to let all its magical properties soak into your sink.

Lavender relieves stress. Frankincense improves mood. Peppermint supports memory. Eucalyptus opens sinuses. Lemon improves cognitive function. Lemongrass kills bacteria and germs.

Add a cup of moon water to your laundry. Clean your floors by adding moon water to a mop’s water bucket. Add moon water to homemade cleaning products. [19] X Research source Make a room or body spray with your favorite essential oils and moon water. [20] X Research source